Leagues Ahead
A full suite of augmented marine surveys to bring you optimal data with minimal environmental impact.
Planning | Consultancy | Geo-Data Acquisition | Processing | Analysis | Reporting

About Us
Ondine is an Irish company dedicated to servicing the marine survey needs of the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector. Ondine is specifically focused on providing the entire spread of surveys required, to meet the needs of developers. Delivering these services with a sustainable, low-impact, environmentally friendly approach.
To achieve this, Ondine has acquired marine assets and brought together an extremely experienced and professional team of personnel. Ondine is specifically focused on delivering low impact surveys and has such purchased and partnered on equipment designed to deliver superior data quality specific to offshore survey requirements.
Ondine recognises the power of nature and all that it encompasses. Our partnerships allow us to provide the range of skillsets required to make ORE projects a reality.
Ondine is home to a diverse range of survey technologies to fulfil all offshore geophysical requirements, including: sub-bottom profiling, side-scan sonar, multibeam echo sounder, UHRS, magnetometer, UXO and more.
Ground truthing, avoiding costly risk and amendments to your ORE development. A single core sample offers a lifetime of accurate information, dissipating any assumptions.